When Anneliese Chiarot celebrated her 6th birthday, her parents asked guests to bring bring 2 toonies instead of a gift: 1 toonie for the birthday girl to use towards an item she wanted and 1 toonie for Anneliese to donate to a cause/charity of her choice. Anneliese chose to support the SAH Cancer Care program.
"We were introduced to this concept a couple of years ago by some close friends, and have adopted this for our kid's parties ever since. We have found that this is a great way to reduce pressure on parents to shop for birthday gifts, in addition to providing an excellent opportunity to teach our kids about the importance of giving to others in need." Becky, Anneliese's Mother.
You can ask friends and family to help you support SAHF. Contact us for more information.

Rally the community to support a great cause with a fun event!
In the last few years, many in our community have seized the opportunity to hold events that have supported Sault Area Hospital Foundation. We are so grateful for this kind of community support.
As soon as you start to plan an event in support of SAHF, please contact us - we want to be sure you have all the tools you need to make your event a success. We are happy to offer support.
SAHF can:
Provide wording that you can use to help raise awareness and support.
Provide proper SAHF logos for your promotional materials.
Share the details of your event with SAH staff, our Facebook fans, and our donors who may be interested in supporting.
Put up a poster in our office.
Offer our front desk as a location for event ticket sales.
Help you direct your gift to where you would like it to have impact.
Issue charitable tax receipts to donors who contribute more than $20 (please consult us on our receipting policies before beginning to collect donations).
Send a representative to speak to your supporters about the impact their participation in your event has on our hospital.
The organizer must:
Obtain any appropriate licences or insurance coverage needed - SAHF cannot apply for charitable lottery licences, special occasion permits (for alcohol consumption) or offer insurance coverage for your event.
Pay any related event expenses - SAHF can not pay your event invoices. Please settle all invoices before making your donation.
To talk to us about hosting an event, please contact Tasha Varpio.