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Women's Hockey League raises $4,545 for Cancer Care

The Sault Ste. Marie Women's Hockey League (WHL) recently rallied their community and raised an impressive $4,545 to support Cancer Care at Sault Area Hospital.

The WHL sold helmet stickers and collected donations throughout February.

The WHL's efforts were inspired by Sue and Christianne, two of their own members who are currently receiving cancer treatment at Sault Area Hospital. Both have been longtime WHL players and fixtures in the local hockey community, playing the number 4 on their respective teams. While the ladies couldn’t play, supporters came out in droves to cheer them on when their two teams were set to play each other. The entire crowd erupted into cheers of support for the two women when their two teams took to the ice on February 27th.

Donations to cancer care help fund life-saving diagnostic and treatment equipment such as the mammography unit in 2021. This year, SAH needs to install a new linear accelerator for radiation treatment, which will require $700,000 in community support.

The donation made by the WHL is a true reflection of their commitment to supporting their players, as well as cancer care in their community. The Sault Area Hospital Foundation is incredibly grateful for their generosity and kindness. It is through the support of people like them that Sault Area Hospital is able to continue providing outstanding care to those in need.


Help to fund critical medical equipment for Sault Area Hospital




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