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Coffee group wins March’s SAHF 50/50

On March 31st at 11am, a group of four from Sault Ste. Marie, ON won $38,595 in the Sault Area Hospital Foundation’s (SAHF) March electronic and online 50/50 draw. Their lucky number (E-1624333) was drawn electronically, and the winners were contacted immediately.

The winning group consists of Jennie Colizza, Carmel DiPietro, Gayle Petrocco and Jackie Tomchak. The ticket was purchased online by Jackie, an SAH volunteer, as part of their monthly contribution.

“We’ve purchased since the beginning. We love supporting our hospital. Every one of us has used the hospital at some point and we know how important it is to help our hospital purchase medical equipment. We want to do our part!” said Jackie.

The group of ladies meets three days a week for coffee at the Station Mall to keep in touch. “It’s been a difficult not being able to see the ladies during this time. We’ve been meeting for coffee for 17 years now but we are keeping socially distant for everyone. We can’t wait to get together when this is all over, celebrate our win and have great big group hug.” said Jackie.

The March draw started as usual, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic transition to online sales only on March 17th. Sales continued as usual though as purchasers moved online to get their tickets safely from their home. The prize grew beyond the SAH Foundation team’s expectations.

“We are so thrilled by the community’s support. We wanted to ensure we operate our draw in the most responsible way and due to the state of emergency in Ontario we suspended physical sales. Sault Ste. Marie really stepped up and joined us online to support our hospital during this difficult time; half of the sales from our 50/50 stay with us to support your hospital’s greatest needs. Thank you to everyone that is thinking about our healthcare today and into the future.” said Teresa Martone, Executive Director of Sault Area Hospital Foundation.

While provincial funding covers the operation of the hospital, the community buys the equipment used to provide care. Proceeds from SAHF lotteries (like SAHF 50/50) are used to purchase new technology and replace aging equipment at Sault Area Hospital.

Tickets for SAHF’s April 50/50 draw remain on sale online only. The prize is guaranteed at $9,999, but (as seen this month) can grow much higher. Tickets will be available for purchase until April 29th at 9PM, and the draw will take place on April 30th at 11am.

SAHF 50/50 tickets are available for purchase across Ontario at Visit the page regularly and follow us on Facebook ( to stay up to date on how high the current prize is.

On behalf of the entire community, thank you for your continued support. To keep up to date with SAHF’s draws and fundraising activities, visit

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