On March 31st, Richard Evans of Sault Ste. Marie, ON won a $93,737.50 jackpot in the Sault Area Hospital Foundation (SAHF) March 50/50 draw. His lucky number (M-3752632) was drawn electronically, and he was contacted immediately.

Richard works as a Seating and Mobility Consultant for Motion, and initially thought the call was about providing a quote for a wheelchair. He was shocked to hear he was the grand prize winner in the March SAHF 50/50 Draw!
“You’ve made my dreams come true!” he said, when he found out he’d won nearly $100,000. He plans to use the funds to pay off some bills and make life a little easier for himself and his family.
Richard Evans wasn’t the only winner this month, as March’s Early Bird had some luck too. Darlene DeLavalle of Sault Ste. Marie, ON was the lucky winner of a $15,000 prize on March 15th with ticket M-5995702.
“It’s always so wonderful to see local winners, and to give away these life-changing prizes,” said Teresa Martone, Executive Director for Sault Area Hospital Foundation. “This monthly draw has been a wonderful way for so many to support local care at Sault Area Hospital, and is helping us purchase critical medical equipment. Thank you to all who support!”
Tickets for SAHF’s April 50/50 draw are on sale now, and you can get an extra chance to win if you hop to it! Get your tickets before 2pm on April 19th for a chance to win the $15,000 early bird prize – plus every ticket has a chance at the growing jackpot.
Tickets are 10 for $10; 60 for $20; 200 for $40; or 750 for $75. In addition to online sales at www.soolottery.ca, tickets can be purchased in person at the Sault Area Hospital Foundation Office (750 Great Northern Road) from 8:00am-4:30pm, Tuesday through Thursday. Ticket buyers must be 18 years of age or older and in the province of Ontario to play.
For more information, visit www.soolottery.ca or email soolotterysupport@sahfoundation.com.
Lottery Licence #RAF1243498