13th Annual event raised funds in support of Sault Area Hospital Foundation
Though the mild conditions this winter threatened to cancel this annual event, a final call was made just a few days prior - the Ski will go on!
The snow fell, and the trails opened just in time for the annual Ski the Trails fundraiser. Skiers, fat bikers and snowshoers came out on February 25th to support the Sault Area Hospital Foundation.
"Fortunately Mother nature was on our side and our faithful participants were ready as we made the last minute call to proceed," said SAHF organizer Tasha Varpio. "Although our numbers were down, we enjoyed a fun morning on the trails and a delicious brunch together in support of our hospital. Thank you to all who participated, pledged and sponsored this event."
Ski the Trails was spearheaded by two avid skiers and SAH physicians, Dr. James Curran and Dr. Phil Dopp. The event began as a friendly competition between Dr. Curran and Dr. Dopp, who dared each other to ski all the trails at Hiawatha Highlands - a total of 34 kilometres! Inspired by their achievement, they set a new goal: why not motivate others and turn their passion for skiing and healthcare into a fundraiser for the hospital? Raising pledges and challenging themselves to see how far and how many trails they can ski, snowshoe or fat bike, winter enthusiasts have helped raise over $200,000 for the Sault Area Hospital Foundation across the 13 years the event has run.
"We appreciate our loyal sponsors and participants for supporting this long standing event," said Teresa Martone, Executive Director of Sault Area Hospital Foundation. "Funds raised from Ski the Trails help purchase critical medical equipment for our hospital."
While the mild winter didn't make for ideal conditions, those who attended the event enjoyed themselves. "When the conditions aren't pitch perfect, we should make the most of what we have and enjoy the challenge of the outdoor activity," one participant shared.
Those who came out enjoyed a post-ski pancake brunch at Algoma's Water Tower Inn, with prizes generously donated by Algoma Bicycle, including ski wax, gloves, hats and equipment bags!
Thank you to your generous sponsors: RBC Securities, Comeault Dwyer Advisory Group, SooToday.com, Algoma Bicycle Company, Family Dentistry on Bay and Velorution. This event would not be possible without the partnership of the Soo Finnish Nordic Ski Club and Hiawatha Highlands.
Donations help support the funding of vital medical equipment for Sault Area Hospital